We had tried putting out thistle without success, until the Goldfinches
finally discovered it in spring 2001. In spring 2002, we had two 6 port
and one 2 port feeder up, often having to refill them daily! We went
through several pounds of thistle until most of the Goldfinches finally
moved on. The House Finches decided that they like thistle now, so we
still occasionally refill the two port feeder, and will leave it up
permanently. We will redeploy the 6 port feeders in the fall when the
Goldfinches return (although we have seen a pair of Goldfinches as
recently as May 10!).
If undisturbed, a Goldfinch will sit and eat for many minutes. Of
course, that makes those waiting in the wings impatient, and
altercations sometime develop!
In April we caught these goldfinches feeding on the ground... Jan
remarked that they looked like a "herd of lemons". If you look
closely you can see that there are a few females in the mix also.