TVA's Appalachia Power House
The Appalachia Power House is about seven miles downstream from the dam.
We finally bagged it on Labor Day Weekend, 2001, and survived! (See the
trip report for the gruesome story!)
The Power House is located on the south bank of the Hiwassee River, in the middle
of nowhere sort of between Farner and Ducktown, TN. This shot from across the
river shows the plant in production, the penstocks into the twin turbines, the
transformer yard beside the plant, and a glimpse of the switchyard
on top of the mountain behind the plant.
This is a view of the other side of the transformer yard, where the electricity
from the generators is stepped up to (probably) 161KV and sent up to the
There is a very nice suspension footbridge across the river, and this is the
way any sane person will come to visit the power house.
However, we did it the hard (insane?) way, and this picture proves it!
Here is the van up next to the gate to the Power House, at the end of an
11 mile, 45 minute drive on some of the worst roads we have encountered
Here is a shot of the twin penstocks exiting the tunnel. We were standing
on the railroad tracks behind the power house... the penstocks go under the
tracks to get to the turbines. The stairway is off limits to the public.
We figure that TVA has an arrangement with CSX Railroad for access to the
power house. There's no way they could bring in heavy equipment on the Forest
Service road! The railroad obviously figured prominently in construction of the
plant. This shot shows a siding that goes right in to the power house
though the large access door. It is no longer in service, but the main
road bed, while it doesn't look like it sees a lot of traffic, still looks in
pretty good shape.
This is the only shot we took of the switchyard (the trip report tells the
Here is a look at the Hiwassee River downstream. During the warm season, TVA
schedules power production around recreational interests on the river, as they
do on the Ocoee River. This river eventually empties into Chickamauga Lake on
the Tennessee River. We've heard some stories about some fishermen from
the lake getting stranded in their boats when TVA shut down power production.
The moral: TVA publishes their production schedules... USE THEM!!
The requisite geek shot. Here is a rain gauge with satellite uplink. (And it
was this shot where I realized I have been misspelling Apalachia since Day 1!)