TVA's Chickamauga Dam
Inside the city limits of Chattanooga, Tennessee, on the north side of town,
is Chickamauga Dam. It is 129 feet tall by 5,800 feet long, and was
completed in 1940. This particular dam is very instrumental in protecting
Chattanooga from the devastating floods that use to plague the area... just
downstream is where the Tennessee River enters a natural bottleneck
formed by Lookout Mountain and Signal Mountain, that would back up the
very high floodwater flows (and which is why Nickajack Lake has no
flood storage capacity).
This is a view of the lock on the far side of the river. The nominal lift is
48 feet.
A tighter view of the power house, with requisite crane.
A shot of the back side of the dam. Notice the two cranes snuggled in
under the bridge over the dam.
The entrance to the powerhouse. We don't think there are any regularly
scheduled tours available to the public, but they used to offer tours to
school groups, at least. Pat was able to take one of the tours a bazillion
years ago (without a camera, unfortunately).
The transformer/switchyard. Chickamauga is good for 128 Megawatts.
The transformers are not inside the powerhouse, as at some dams. Here you
can see the much heavier conductors coming from the generators to the
transformers, to be stepped up to 161 KV for distribution.
Here is a closeup of the nameplate on one of the transformers. You can
almost read it! We'll try harder next time.
Here is the Riverboat "Francis R. Keegan" locking through with
one barge. Chickamauga has the original 360x60 foot lock, so you have to
do it one at a time! Jan kept saying that the name of the boat was familiar.
When we got back home, we double-checked the pictures from the Wilson Dam
quest, where we had caught a barge tow locking through. Sure enough, it
was the same boat!
In between the barges going downriver, here is a pleasure craft coming
Chattanooga is a busy railroad town. Just downstream of the dam, this is a
bridge with two sets of tracks crossing the river, where we caught this
freight making a crossing. The towers on the far side support a drawbridge.
You can also see some of the drawbridge in the shot of the riverboat above.