Raccoon Mountain Pumped Storage Facility
A pumped storage facility is used to "store" electricity.
The generator/turbine assemblies can be operated in "reverse", becoming giant
water pumps. At times of low demand, electricity from the grid is used to power
the pumps to fill up a reservior. During peak demands or emergencies, the water
is released back through the turbines, producing electricity that is supplied
to the grid. Its not 100 percent efficient, of course, but it ain't too
Raccoon Mountain is one of two pumped storage facilities
we have bagged. This one is different from Carter's
Lake in that the reservoir is not on the main river, but "off line".
Raccoon Mountain is located off of I-24 west of
Chattanooga. The Tennessee River runs through some pretty mountanous terrain
here...in fact, Nickajack Lake, located in this area, is specified to have
"Zero Flood Storage Capacity" because there is no place for the water to spread
out. Raccoon mountain is a 1000 foot high peak overlooking the lake. TVA built
an impoundment on top of the peak, and drilled two tunnels down to river level.
One tunnel was for access, the other for water. The power house was carved out
of solid rock about a thousand feet down! Two more tunnels were then drilled
sideways out to the river, again one for access and one for water.
TVA still operates a visitors center there, and tours of
the powerhouse are available. The visitors center is on top
of the mountain, and the tour takes an elevator down to the powerhouse. In case
of elevator failure, you hike a half-mile out to the river.
We said "still operates" the center, because, on some of
their older literature, you will find references to a visitor's center at
Browns's Ferry Nuclear Plant, and the Energy Center in Chattanooga. Don't
believe it...they are closed. There was still a sign out on the main drag about
the center at Brown's Ferry, and we were momentarily diverted during our Quest
to Wilson Dam.
The time we were there, there was a group of Japanese
Engineers visiting. They got the grand tour, inside the generator room (we were
limited to looking through the glass) but we did get one side benefit that the
general public does not. As we rode the elevator back up, they stopped and
opened the doors at one of the access points so the engineers could see the
construction of the elevator shaft, the emergency access stairway and catwalks,
and the cables that conducted power to/from the Power House (the switch yard is
on top of the mountain). Since Pat was standing next to the door, he had to
step out on the catwalk so the group could peer out the door. Pat: "I was able
to rip off a couple of quick shots, which really didn't show any detail because
of the low light level. I was also kind of nervous about being that close to (I
think) 161 KV conductors!"
The Plant is capable of 1532 Megawatts for about 20
hours. It saved the Chattanooga area's bacon one cold winter night when one of
the units at Sequoyah Nuclear Plant scrammed, and the grid suddenly lost about
1100 Megawatts of power. We don't know how long it took them to get the nuke
back on line, but Raccoon Mountain was online within 30 minutes, and TVA had
about 24 hours of breathing room to make whatever arrangements had to be
The resevior takes about 27 hours to completely refill.
Like we said, not 100 percent, but not too bad.
If this is one of the "prettier" switchyards you have
seen, there is a reason. There are some exclusive neighborhoods in the area,
and TVA was very careful to make the plant as palatible as possible for the
locals. Notice the white globes inside the yard. They are noise
You knew there had to be a dam somewhere! This is part of
the largest rockfill dam TVA has done, for the storage impoundment on top of
the mountain. (Also notice the self portrait..."closer than it appears!")
Water is taken in or put out through this structure. The
design is supposed to reduce vortexing when used as an intake.
This structure on the river helps break up the turbulence
from the exiting water when the plant is in production.
If you are interested, here
is a view of Chattanooga from one of the overlooks. Be aware that this is a
large file. We left it this way so that you can see the cooling towers at
Sequoyah in the middle left of the image.