We spent Christmas of 1997 in Pensacola, Florida. While there we visited the Naval Air Museum, located at NAS Pensacola. This is one of the strangest flying machines we have seen!

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The tail section of the same aircraft.

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This is a replica of Pappy Boyington's Corsair.

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Ammo for the guns.

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One of the Apollo Crews was all Navy. It had to be 15, 16, or 17 because those were the only ones that took a lunar rover with them. We'll find out which and fix this.

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The Blue Angels are based at NAS Pensacola. This is a retired fleet.

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The current support C-130 on the tarmac. You can see some of the current fleet behind the grandstands.

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Two more of the current fleet.

This doesn't even start to do the place justice. Plan to spend a whole day at the museum, and an additional day to do some of the other stuff...there is an old fort on the base, a lighthouse, and much more to see. Just remember... this is an active militrary base, so behave, or you might find yourself in the brig! The lighthouse was still run by the Coast Guard when we were there, and it was not open to the public. But they were supposed to be transfering it to the National Park Service, who would open it to the public. While in Pensacola, check out the planetarium at Pensacola Junior College...it has a digistar projector, the first one we have seen.