The USS Drum
The USS Drum is located with the USS Alabama at Battleship Memorial Park in
Mobile, AL. Our fellow hams should recognize the name as the sub that
Wayne Green, W2NSD/1, gadfly to the ARRL, served on. Sure enough, we found his name
and a picture on one of the displays inside.
One of the deck guns.
A silhouette of the conning tower.
I think these were the aft torpedo tubes.
"YEEEEE-HAAAHHHH! COME AND GET ME! (Uhh, how do you steer when you
can't see where you are going??"
The Drum was a little roomier than the Clagamore, but not much. Above and
below are shots from each end of the conning tower. One of the periscopes
still had some damaged optics it, but everything was locked down, so you
couldn't play... Shucks!
More info here.